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Psychological Assessments

Neuropsychological Assessments

A neuropsychological assessment may be required to assess and track cognitive and behavioural changes which may be associated with acquired brain disorders, eg. head injury and dementia syndromes. This assessment involves interview and a comprehensive range of tasks assessing various mental functions. You may undergo a neuropsychological assessment to provide information and recommendations for rehabilitation and / or returning to the workplace.

See: R. Anne Howell

ADHD & Autism Assessments

Our experienced psychologists offer ADHD & Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessments to individuals aged 18 and over.

The assessment process involves a comprehensive evaluation conducted either online or in person over a series of appointments.

 Here’s a general overview of what you might expect during an assessment:

Initial Interview:

This will be conducted with the individual to gather in-depth information about their developmental history, family history, current symptoms, and any relevant medical or psychological history.


Our psychologists use a range of assessment tools to assess the individual's symptoms and behaviors, this includes questionnaires, checklists, and rating scales. These can help assess social skills, communication abilities, and repetitive behaviour. The psychologist may also observe the individual's mannerisms, i.e paying attention to specific ADHD-related symptoms such as impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention.

Report & Debrief:

After gathering & analysing all the relevant information the psychologist will provide you with a detailed report and discuss their findings with the individual in a debrief session. 

See: Dr. Jennifer Nottingham-Jones (ADHD & ASD), R. Anne Howell (ADHD only)  

For further information about these services, please speak to one of our friendly team members via contact us